
Corporate Partnerships

Project Destined has worked with numerous local and national corporate partners in the execution of its impact model.  Interested in partnering with us? Please tell us more by filling out our form and the Project Destined Team would be happy to explore.



Invest in Property with our Scholars

Working with its sister organization, Destined Capital Management, Project Destined Scholars work on deal teams to assess and execute on the acquisition of stabilized Class B and C multifamily properties across the country with a portion of the investment profits being issued to the scholars in a grant-making capacity for scholarship capital. Are you a non-profit or a for-profit entity or individual seeking to leverage philanthropic capital for both social and financial return? Please fill out our form and we would love to speak with you about ways in which you can help create significant scholarship capital for our program scholars.


Contribute to the Project Destined Internship Bank

Project Destined seeks to empower urban youth through both training and exposure. We seek to create and secure ”sprint” internships for our scholars where students gain access to impactful two to three week exposure internships with some of the worlds best companies. Interested in facilitating Project Destined Sprint Internships? Please fill out our form and we would love to explore opportunities to have our future leaders of tomorrow work with you.